Edward Kenna

Edward Kenna

Edward Kenna is our Parent Representative and has served on our VV BOD since 1985. Let's get to know more about Ed below.

Question: Time is a valuable commodity. What inspired you to dedicate some of your valuable time to Vocational Visions (VV)?

Answer: I was asked to join by a man already on the board. Like us, he had a child who was developmentally disabled and attended Esperanza Education Center with our daughter. He felt the board needed some more business oriented members. 

I joined because we felt that VV (which was called Saddleback Community Enterprises back then) would be where we would send our daughter after she left school at Esperanza.


Question: What line of work are you in?

Answer: I am currently retired. My first job was with the General Electric Major Appliance Division. I was hired as a kitchen designer and ended up as the manager of Kitchen Sales (cabinets, appliances and complete installation services). After 10 years, I left and joined a company called Plan Hold Corporation as the District Sales Manager for the Midwest area. After 14 years in that position, I was transferred to their Irvine headquarters as the Western Regional Manager. I moved into the Director of Sales role and retired as VP of Sales & Marketing.


Question: Have you ever volunteered or worked with people with disabilities in the past?

Answer: When we lived in the Midwest, my wife and I worked with Kirk Center in Palatine, IL which is a facility much like VV. It was both a school and, what was called in those days, a sheltered work center. Our daughter attended school there.


Question: What is your motto or a quote about life that really resonates with you?

Answer: God answers all prayers. Some people can’t understand that sometimes he says ‘no’.     


Thank you Ed for your many years of dedication to our organization.

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