Julie Y.

Julie Y.

Julie joined Vocational Visions in 1997 and she participates in two of our programs. She participates in our Supported Employment program, as well as our DTAC Pala. This article was first published in our June 2021 newsletter.

Julie is excited to have finally returned to work at the beautiful Montage Resort Hotel in Laguna Beach after the pandemic. She started working there in 2011. She likes all aspects of her job and we hear she is amazing at it.

Working next to the beach is also a plus since Julie loves the beach. She's not a fan of swimming in the ocean but she does enjoy hanging out at the beach.

Julie also enjoys hanging out with her group home dog Tucker, a Goldendoodle, who is almost 10 years old. When he celebrates his birthday each August, he wears a birthday hat and eats doggy ice cream. Julie likes to brush Tucker and play ball with Tucker. She needs two balls because, once Tucker catches one, he doesn't want to give it back until another one is thrown.

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Julie celebrated her birthday in May. She had a wonderful time with her friends.

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The group birthday picture is of Julie and her church friends. She attends Hope Christian Church in Tustin. They have a really neat ministry called Construction Zone for adults with disabilities that meets Sundays and Wednesdays.

Julie loves to do coloring and other arts and crafts. She loves shopping and cooking as well, especially pancakes. She enjoys eating out now and then and her favorite restaurant is Islands. Now that the movie theaters have reopened, she can't wait to go back and see a movie in the theater. Her favorite types of movies are animal movies (especially horses) and funny movies.

One of the neatest things that Juliel looks forward to every year is her annual trip to CampCare in Lake Tahoe. She's been going for about 18 years with her friends (missing 2020 because it was canceled). She loves the arts, sports, horseback riding, singing and all of the other fun things that are part of this week long experience. All of the women in her group home attend with her.


We hope Julie and her friends have a memorable time at their next camp event. It's so nice to be able to resume traditions after this last year. Thank you Julie for giving us a look into your busy life and sharing some of your traditions with us.