Mary Ann Dehlsen

Mary Ann Dehlsen

Mary Ann Dehlsen joined VV's HRS program in 2012. Let's learn more about Mary Ann in our Q & A below.

mary ann dehlsen 2Question: How did you first find out about VV?

Answer: In 2012, I was looking for a job. Debbie Watkins, a job coach in VV's Supported Employment program, told me about the wonderful place she had been working at for 10 years at that time. When I heard her describe VV to me, I was sold and the rest is history.


Question: If someone you know or just met has never heard of VV, what would you share with them to help them to understand what VV is about?

Answer: I would tell them about all of the activities that we do. We do rotating activities throughout the day and this is still true even while we are not open for in-person programming. We just have to do it over the computer for now. One group of participants is doing craft activities, another group is doing story time and another group may be doing a music activity. Every Friday, we have cooking class and the participants get to eat what they help to prepare. We have a monthly calendar with different activities scheduled and some change every month. We also have vehicles we use to rotate different participants out into the community. We go to places that are wheelchair accessible like the beach, malls, parks etc. VV is a fun place for the participants and for the employees.



mary ann dehlsen 3Question: What is your favorite part of your job at VV?

Answer: My favorite part of my job is when I go in to start my day and I see the smiling faces of the participants that look so happy to be there. I love to see them when they come off the bus smiling because they are happy to spend another day at VV.


Question: What is something that could be added, removed or changed to make VV better?

Answer: We could use more vans for the Alambre building programs so that when we reopen, we can get more participants out into the community more often.


Question: Did you volunteer or work with people who are uniquely abled before working at VV?

Answer: Not before working at VV, but I wish I had. I enjoy my work so much that I wish I would have started earlier.


Question: Are there any interesting, unique or fun facts about you that you would like to share with us?

Answer: I love nature. Where I live, there is a good-sized backyard with 5 avocado trees (4 of which I planted), 1 fig tree and 5 citrus trees. I enjoy sharing the wonderful fruit that we pick from the trees with family and friends. My life is simple. I really enjoy being home with my plants and dogs. Below are a couple of pictures of me in the backyard I enjoy so much.


mary ann dehlsen 4Since the pandemic, I have been baking up a storm. Every other Friday, I get to bake with the participants over Zoom. Earlier this month, we made a 'Coconut Cream Bunny Cake' which the participants really enjoyed watching and we will be making 'Empanadas' next.

Editor’s note: Everyone who has tasted Mary Ann's cooking and baking loves her dishes. Below is a picture of the bunny cake.


Question: What is your motto for life or a quote that really resonates with you?

Answer: “Be SOMEBODY who makes EVERYBODY feel like SOMEBODY”- Nancy Prata

Mary Ann's colleagues affectionately call Mary Ann 'Mama' because she has such a motherly energy about her. Her kind hearted nature and passion are what we treasure most about her. Keep being the kind of somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody Mary Ann.