Video Games

Video Games


Tetris is the puzzle of all video games.

Every PIXAR Movie Easter Egg: From Toy Story to Onward

Have you ever heard of an Easter egg in a movie? An Easter egg is an intentional inside joke, hidden message, image, clue or call back to another movie. If you're a fan of Pixar movies (there's 23 of them so far), you'll like this video that uncovers Easter eggs in Pixar movies.

'Where Are You From' song

This video has a great song and will teach you about flags from different countries. There's a really special message in this video that we always should remember.

The Ickabog

The Ickabog

Read a new book for free online called 'The Ickabog'. This book was written by the same author who wrote the Harry Potter book series - J.K. Rowling. This entirely new story with new characters will be published for free on the website link below, a chapter (or two or three) at a time, over the next few weeks.

Click here to read 'The Ickabog'

Creating opportunities for adults with disabilities in Orange County, CA since 1974

Show them some extra love

Partnering with:

Department of Developmental Services

Regional Center of Orange County

California Department of Rehabilitation