
Sometimes, our minds and bodies feel stressed. Sometimes, we can worry so much that we forget about all of the things in life we are grateful for. Enjoy this gratitude video to help you relax both your mind and your body.


Bonus activity # 1: Go on a Gratitude Scavenger Hunt. Not only will this get you moving, it will put you in a good mood. 

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

Thanks to Simple Acres Blog


Bonus activity # 2: Make your own gratitude jar. Find an empty jar or small container. Write down (or ask someone to help you to write down) on small pieces of paper each thing you are grateful for. For example: "I am grateful for my friends". Then, fold each gratitude paper and put it into the jar or container. Each day, be sure to choose a paper to read (o ask someone to read to you) and remind yourself what you are grateful for.   

Gratitude Jar      

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